Thursday, March 5, 2020

Elizabeth, age 10 Neelam Neotia, Kumon Instructor

Elizabeth, age 10 Neelam Neotia, Kumon Instructor Elizabeth, age 10: Neelam Neotia, Kumon Instructor Elizabeth’s parents never let the odds prevent their daughter from being her personal best. Elizabeth was born with chronic lung disease, a heart condition and digestive problems. Her childhood years have been consumed with in-home therapies, surgeries and hospitalization. Kosair Charities helped fill the family’s health coverage gaps for Elizabeth’s treatments. Elizabeth can now do things she couldn’t do before, like swimming, her new favorite pastime. Her progress has been so inspiring that she was selected to be a Kosair Kid for the charity, appearing in their commercials, newsletters, and billboards. “She has come so far, but there are still areas of growth needed,” says her mom Jennifer. Elizabeth enrolled in Kumon because she was below her second grade level in math and reading. “I set a goal to get on the honor roll at school and for the first time ever, I did it,” beams Elizabeth, now a proud fifth grader. Her Kumon Instructor, Neelam adds “Elizabeth is very eager to learn new things and works hard to achieve the next goal.” Elizabeth describes her academic experience in sharp contrast to her pre-Kumon days â€" she’s more confident in her learning, raising her hand more often in class.  Homework is no longer frustrating and she can balance school and extracurricular activities like Kumon. “I hardly ever miss a Kumon (class) and I hope that I can stay and complete the program,” she says. Elizabeth wants to be a doctor when she grows up. Challenges throughout her life have put her tenacity to the test. A test she continues to pass with flying colors. You might also be interested in: Advancing Beyond Grade Level in the Kumon Math Program Discovering True Potential: An Early Learner’s Journey through Kumon This Student Learned the Power of a Routine with Kumon Angel, age 10: Alison Mori, Kumon Instructor Elizabeth, age 10 Neelam Neotia, Kumon Instructor Elizabeth, age 10: Neelam Neotia, Kumon Instructor Elizabeth’s parents never let the odds prevent their daughter from being her personal best. Elizabeth was born with chronic lung disease, a heart condition and digestive problems. Her childhood years have been consumed with in-home therapies, surgeries and hospitalization. Kosair Charities helped fill the family’s health coverage gaps for Elizabeth’s treatments. Elizabeth can now do things she couldn’t do before, like swimming, her new favorite pastime. Her progress has been so inspiring that she was selected to be a Kosair Kid for the charity, appearing in their commercials, newsletters, and billboards. “She has come so far, but there are still areas of growth needed,” says her mom Jennifer. Elizabeth enrolled in Kumon because she was below her second grade level in math and reading. “I set a goal to get on the honor roll at school and for the first time ever, I did it,” beams Elizabeth, now a proud fifth grader. Her Kumon Instructor, Neelam adds “Elizabeth is very eager to learn new things and works hard to achieve the next goal.” Elizabeth describes her academic experience in sharp contrast to her pre-Kumon days â€" she’s more confident in her learning, raising her hand more often in class.  Homework is no longer frustrating and she can balance school and extracurricular activities like Kumon. “I hardly ever miss a Kumon (class) and I hope that I can stay and complete the program,” she says. Elizabeth wants to be a doctor when she grows up. Challenges throughout her life have put her tenacity to the test. A test she continues to pass with flying colors. You might also be interested in: Advancing Beyond Grade Level in the Kumon Math Program Discovering True Potential: An Early Learner’s Journey through Kumon This Student Learned the Power of a Routine with Kumon Angel, age 10: Alison Mori, Kumon Instructor

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